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Viridian’s blog

Viridian’s blog is dedicated to you and your property. Here, you can learn more about insulation, how to increase and maintain your home’s energy efficiency and value, and explore many other topics.

Picture shows a chilly house in winter

Why UK homes are so cold compared to Europe

Did you know that the UK has some of the worst-insulated homes in Europe? Learn why here and how you can warm up to existing solutions for your home.

Man smiling and holding an insulation roll

Debunking common myths about insulation in the UK

Debunk common myths surrounding home insulation with us. Uncover the truth and learn how insulation lowers your fuel bills all year long.

Man pulling apart roll of loft insulation and fitting it.

Environmental impact of home insulation in the UK

Beyond the comfort it provides, let’s delve into the eco-friendly side of insulating your home and how your decisions can contribute to a greener future.

Loft insulation roll

DIY loft insulation (and why most people don’t do it)

Learn more about how to install loft insulation yourself, its pitfalls and why you might want to leave that job to us!

How your EPC can affect the value of your home

Consider upgrading your EPC when making improvements to your home. Learn why here!

Light bulb, coins and electricity bill on table.

The Energy Price Cap is set to increase in 2024

Find out what has changed, what you can expect, and how you can prepare for the Energy Price Cap in January 2024.

Lady looking at electricity bill.

Energy Price Cap and how to save money this winter

Learn more about how to save money on your fuel bills and the implications of the Energy Price Cap here.